Inclement Weather

If you are scheduled for a volunteer shift on a day that inclement weather is occurring or is expected you should:
  • Call our announcement hotline at 203-852-0700 Ext. 100. There will be a recorded announcement regarding the status of the aquarium for that day (i.e. – open, closed, late opening, etc.)
  • If the Maritime Aquarium is closed for the day, you do not need to come in for your shift
  • If the Maritime Aquarium is open:
    • If you feel confident in your ability to travel here safely, then you should come in for your shift.
    • If the conditions in your area are poor, and you do not feel comfortable traveling, then please stay home. Better safe than sorry. If you are not going to come in for your shift, please call and leave a message on our voicemail box x2283
Note: There may be times when the Aquarium has a delayed opening. On those days please arrive 30 minutes prior to the Aquarium opening to participate in pre-shift briefings. 

Note: Our volunteers come to us from a wide range of locations in our area. We understand that weather/road conditions will vary depending on where you are traveling from. You should always use your best judgement for your particular situation.