Radio Utilization & Codes

Radio usage must be done in a professional manner at all times. Remember that information shared over the radio can possibly be heard by guests. This should be taken into consideration whenever utilizing any of our radio channels.

Channel 1: Security, Maintenance and Life Support 

Channel 2: Visitor Services, Volunteers and Education  

Channel 3: Animal Husbandry 


All codes should be announced on each channel and signal staff to migrate to channel 1 for the duration of the code procedure. The individual calling the code is responsible to notify staff on other channels to move to channel 1 for the code.   

All staff are responsible for understanding how to respond to the various codes utilized by The Maritime Aquarium. 


Code ADAM will be announced over the radio any time a child becomes separated from their adult or group. 

If An Adult Has Lost a Child: 

Use a radio to inform staff (channel 1) and Visitor Services (channel 2) there is a “Code Adam" and state your location.

Have the adult provide a description of the child: 

  • Male/female 
  • Age 
  • Clothing description 
  • Last location seen 

Use the radio to share the description and last known location with staff. Do not say the child's name over the radio.

Try to keep the adult calm. 

If you can, stay with the adult. If you can’t, provide the direction the adult is heading over the radio.  

When looking for the child: 

  • Listen and wait for a description and current location of the adult. 
  • Start scanning your current area and head toward the adult’s location.  
  • Security will designate a location for you to search.  

When the child is found, escort the adult to the child's location. 

  • Do not touch the child. 
  • Radio that you have found the child and your current location. 
  • Stay with the child and wait for the adult to arrive. 

Once the child is returned to the adult, announce over the radio, “Cancel Code Adam.” 

If You Find a Child Alone

Use radio to inform staff (channel 1) and Visitor Services (channel 2) there is a “Code Adam” and share your current location. 

Talk to the child and try to get as much information as possible to share over the radio 

  • Adult/group leader’s name 
  • Adult/group leader’s clothing 
  • Last location seen  

If you are able to get the name of the adult, radio the Operator to page the adult over the loudspeaker. (Example: Will Mrs. Smith please report to the seal pool

Stay with the child. Do not touch the child. 

Once the child and adult are reunited, announce a “Cancel Code Adam” over the radio. 

If the missing individual is not located in 10-15 minutes, the security officer will contact Norwalk Police. 

Code NOAH 

Code NOAH is a serious Safety and Security code to be announced only when a situation involving an animal requires an immediate and urgent staff response.  

When To Call Code NOAH: 

An animal has escaped from its enclosure: 

  • Meerkats, Sharks/rays (on the floor), seals or otters 
  • Skunk, Porcupine, Tamarins 
  • Turtles, snakes, frogs, and gecko 
  • Crickets are not included 

An animal is found that obviously does not belong in the premises:  

  • A deer in the seal pool 
  • Raccoons in the premises   

Code NOAH can be initiated by any staff member by contacting Animal Husbandry on Channel 3 of the radio.  

The announce Code NOAH with the location and animal.

  • Code NOAH- Otters 
  • Code NOAH- Just Add Water 
  • Code NOAH- Touch a jelly tank  
Animal husbandry will begin their procedures
All communications move to channel 1
non-essential communication ceases

Repeat the same code on channel 1 & 2
Visitor Services and Volunteers should begin to direct guests away from the code location
Keep guests calm and do not call attention to the code area

Security will assist in securing the code area and redirecting guests

Code AED/Medical Emergency Procedure 


Announce Code AED along with location on all channels 1, 2 and 3​

"Code AED Newmans Own Hall" x2 All coms move to Channel 1.​

Anyone with a radio that hears the code should locate and respond by grabbing the nearest AED and heading to the designated area.​

Once an AED is in hand announce over the radio that you are on your way to the area.​ If multiple AEDs arrive on scene that is OK!​

Anyone can use an AED in an emergency, the device is equipped with step-by-step verbal instructions for use. ​

Staff/Volunteers should clear the area of guests or objects that may interrupt the first responders (police of EMTs). 

If you are at a touch tank or exhibit that cannot be left unattended (rays, seals) please do not respond unless the emergency is in your immediate area


Code DAN:
Diver in Distress.  Announce the code on Channel 2 and then immediately switch to channel 1 for security and provide any pertinent information. Trained divers and first aid personnel will respond to the code. 

Other Animal Codes:

When you need to report an animal issue other than an escape please use the following codes on channel 3 

Code 1 = Animal looking/behaving odd
Code 2 = Animal in Distress/Injured animal
Code 10 = Animal Mortality
Code 99 = Animal Attack or Envenomation (e.g. at the ray pool or jelly touch tank)
For example, a tortoise flipped on its back, or a fish lying on its side would be code 1, a fish with an injury (e.g. one that was bit by a shark) would be code 2, any dead animal is code 10, and a patron stung by a ray or jelly would be code 99.

Please be discrete when using animal codes as guests can hear staff communicating over the radio. Let the Animal husbandry staff know the code and the location. They will send someone to that location. 
1 point
What Code is used to report a missing person?

1 point
True or False: It is OK to use the missing child's name when reporting a code ADAM

1 point
What Animal Husbandry code would be used to report an animal in distress?