Active Shooter Protocols

General Overview

Active Shooter Profile:​

Active Shooter – An individual actively engaged in causing harm to other people in a confined space or other populated area.​

How To Respond​

The Run. Hide. Fight. Method is endorsed by law enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security​

Employees & Volunteers must be an active participant in their own security.​

  • Always be aware of your surroundings​
  • Identify options for exiting your area in the event of an emergency.​
  • Identify locations where you can hide.​
  • Identify locations where you can lock doors and barricade should you need to.​

When faced with an active shooter event individuals will need to decide if they should run, hide or fight based on the circumstances of the situation. ​

Information When Calling 911​

  •  Location of the active shooter​
  •  Number of shooters if more than one​
  •  Physical description of the shooter(s)​
  •  Number and type of weapons (gun, knife, etc.) held by the shooter(s)

Run, Hide, Fight Procedure


  • Warn individuals not to enter an area where the active shooter may be​
  • Leave your belongings behind​
  • Keep your hands visible​
  • Follow the instructions of any Police officers​
  • Call 911 when it is safe to do so​


  • Be out of the active shooter’s view​
  • Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e. an office with a closed and locked door).​
  • Blockade the door with heavy furniture​
  • Close, cover and move away from windows​


  • Act as aggressively as possible against him/her​
  • Throw items and improvise weapons​
  • Yell​

1 point
what are the steps to follow during an active shooter situation?