Evacuation Protocols

Fire Alarm Evacuating Procedures 

We will begin evacuation procedures as soon as the fire alarm is activated.  There is no need to wait for an announcement. Even if you understand the alarm to false, we must complete evacuation procedures until everyone is out of the building and the fire department has determined that it is safe to return inside the building.  

Assist guests to the designated evacuation areas​:

  • Bus Circle River Plaza​ (by the Main Entrance/4D Theater)
  • Parking Garage Plaza​ (plaza with the USCG Buoy)

Be cautious for responding vehicles​


There will be no partial evacuations. The Fire Marshal requires us to evacuate our entire facility.

In the case of any evacuation, NEVER USE THE ELEVATORS!!!!  This is the first and most basic rule in any emergency evacuation.  Violation of this rule may cause serious injury. 

General Evacuation Procedures 
In the event of total evacuation, for whatever reason, the following steps should be taken: 

The Chief Operating Officer, President or Facility Manager can call for an evacuation of the building in the event of a fire, bomb threat, or other disaster.  In the event that none of the above is available, any Senior Staff person can be called upon to make the decision to evacuate. 

The Security Officer will make an announcement over the PA system and ask that all patrons and staff evacuate the building in an orderly fashion and that all Floor Marshals report to their stations. 

All Floor Marshals will report to their stations and begin to evacuate patrons, staff and volunteers immediately.  All patrons in wheelchairs or who otherwise cannot make it down the stairs unassisted may remain with the Floor Marshal until the floor is evacuated.  At this point, the Floor Marshal and any available staff/volunteers may assist.  DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR.  This is the first and most basic rule in any emergency evacuation.  Violation of this rule may cause serious injury. 

Volunteer Station Nearest Emergency Exits:

Pinniped Cove – direct people to the door by the stairwell on the 1st floor of Pinniped Cove to the Bus Circle River Plaza

Shark & Ray Touchpool - direct people to Stairwell E, the blue door to the right of the Megalodon Jaw, then exit through the gray push-door to the right of the stairwell, to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

Jiggle-a-Jelly - direct people to the door by the stairwell, across from the Seastar Stage, out to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

Intertidal Touch Tank - direct people to stairwell behind the "Staff Only Door" between Intertidal Touch Tank and the Horseshoe Crab Lab. At the bottom of the stairs, go left and exit the building to the Bus Circle River Plaza. Alternatively, direct people to the stairwell to the right of the Schooling Tank, then to Bus Circle River Plaza.

Sea Turtles or Journey with Jellies Exhibit – direct people exiting aquarium out the doors in Journey with Jellies, past the security office, that lead out to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

Open Ocean (Sharks) – direct people to the exit past the Seasons tanks, out through the doors in Journey with Jellies, past the security office, that lead out to the Bus Circle River Plaza, or back out Stair B next to Schooling Tank.

All staff and volunteers should proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza and check in with their department manager or their representative. Except those gathered at the Parking Garage Plaza. Those at that location should report to the designated Floor Marshal at that location.

Guests with Limited Mobility:
If you have an individual with limited mobility on the 2nd floor, without a form of egress:

  • If possible, move the individual to the safest location possibly (typically a stairwell)
  • Maintain communication over the radio with Security and Floor Marshals on Channel 1
  • Stay with the person until the Fire Department arrives
DO NOT attempt to move the individual down a flight of stairs!

If you discover an emergency or “situation”:

• Report it!

  • Alert Visitor Services staff and Volunteer Supervisor (Channel 2 on radio)
  • Alert Security and Maintenance (Channel 1 on radio)

• In the case of a small, controllable fire please use the nearest hand held fire extinguisher.

The fire alarm panel enunciators will be activated if a smoke detector, duct detector, manual pull station or tamper switch on the sprinkler system has been activated. The entire system is checked semi-annually by Fire Systems, Inc.

1. Manual Pull Stations are located on each floor by exit and stairwell doors.

2. The enunciator has 191 specific monitoring points.

3. The Aquarium has a wet sprinkler system. This type of system contains pressurized water at all times. Water discharges upon the operation of individual automatic sprinklers. The Aquarium also has a standpipe system, with the Siamese connections located at the outside wall by the EEC Link. This is where the fire department can pump additional water into the sprinkler system. This system is tested annually.

4. There are approximately 100 fire extinguishers located throughout the The Aquarium. They are serviced bi-annually by Fire Out, Inc. and checked monthly by the security staff to ensure that they are fully charged. If you discover that an extinguisher has been discharged, contact the Operations Department immediately.

5. The Aquarium has light and sound alarms in strategic locations in every zone. These are serviced semi-annually by Fire Systems, Inc. If these alarms have been activated it means that a pull station, a duct detector, smoke detector or tamper flow switch has been activated. The system is a point address advisory system, where at either panel the exact device that was activated is identified on the panel.

6. Fire Doors – Fire doors are located in strategic locations throughout The Aquarium. Some are connected to the fire panel. When the power to the door is disconnected (when the alarm sounds) the doors will close. This is to prevent smoke and flame from getting into other areas of The Aquarium). The doors are located at both ends of the Link Tunnel, the entrance and exit to the Special Exhibition Tent, and the first and second floor between the Maritime Hall and Falconer Hall. There is also a metal roll down door, which covers the glass window between the boat building area and Falconer Hall. Fire doors are NOT to be propped open.


Immediately upon discovering a fire, smoke or heat, go to the nearest telephone and dial 0. Report to the operator the exact location of the fire, details as to the extent of it, your name and the department you work in. If the situation is out of control, pull the nearest alarm box and leave the fire area. Every fire should be reported regardless of its size.

Do Not Attempt to Fight the Fire Before Reporting It!

If the fire is behind a closed door, do not open the door. Feel the door to see if it is hot before opening.

Alert persons in the area who might be in immediate danger. Direct them to the fire stairs and NOT the elevator. All employees should familiarize themselves with the fire exit staircases on all floors.

Fire extinguishers are located on all floors and employees should familiarize themselves with their location and use. All of the fire extinguishers in this building are equipped to extinguish Class A, B and C fires. Class A fires involve ordinary combustibles, such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, plastics, etc. Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids, gases and greases, etc. Class C fires involve live electrical equipment. Only use a fire extinguisher if the situation permits. Do NOT allow the fire to come between you and your area of exit. Isolate the area by closing the fire doors.

It is very important to remain calm and not panic. Your example may help others gain assurance. Most importantly, all employees must carry out and obey any order or instructions given to them by firemen and policemen while an emergency exists in the building.



In the case of any evacuation, NEVER USE THE ELEVATORS. This is the first and most basic rule in any emergency evacuation. Violation of this rule may cause serious injury.

Stairwells and Exits - Zone 1

1. Fire Exit – Door to Plaza by Pinniped Cove 1st Floor – people should proceed to the Plaza and then the Bus Circle River Plaza.

2. Fire Exit – EEC Link – people can proceed to North Water Street and to the parking lot across the street from the Main entrance. Watch for Responding and Other Vehicles.

3. Fire Exit – Stair C ground level- through Turtle Support area – Door leads to Aquarium 2nd and 3rd floor areas hallway, leads to Plaza area behind the Atlas Building. Proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

4. Fire Exit to North Loading Dock parking area via the loading dock area by security office – Proceed to Bus Circle River Plaza.

5. Individuals in the Plaza should proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza Area. Employees and Volunteers should meet in the Bus Circle River Plaza Area.

Stairwells and Exits - Zone 2

1. To Stair B – From the Schooling tank to the stairs, leads to North Loading Dock. Proceed to Bus Circle River Plaza.

2. To Stair C – From Long Island Sound Communities area to the stair, which leads to the Plaza Door, is located near the touch tank.

3. Fire Exit – Between Gulf Stream and Jelly Fish, door leads through the loading dock by the security office to outside the loading dock. Proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

4. Everyone evacuating the building should proceed through the Plaza to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

5. All employees should then proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza and check in with their department manager.

Exits: Special Exhibition Tent

1. There are three exit doors located together in the north central portion of the tent, one exit in the north link to the tent. All doors lead out to the Plaza area. Exit the Plaza to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

2. There are three exit doors located together in the south central portion of the tent, one exit in the south link to the tent. All doors lead out to the Plaza area. Exit the Plaza to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

3. Wait for the 2nd and 3rd floor Maritime Hall Floor Marshals outside by the Seal Pool before proceeding through the Plaza.

4. All people evacuating to the Plaza should proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza.

5. All employees/volunteers should then proceed to the Bus Circle River Plaza and check in with their department mangers.

The PASS Method: Using a Fire Extinguisher

Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.

Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.

Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.

Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.