Shark & Stingray Touch Pool protocols

Touch Pool Animals
  • Cow Nose Rays
  • Brown Banded Bamboo Shark
  • White Spotted Bamboo Shark
  • Epaulette Sharks
  • Coral catsharks

Touching Protocols

  • Provide our guests with a close-up view of live cartilaginous fishes. 
  • Encourage guests to touch the rays and sharks with two fingers, on the top-side of the animal only.
  • Monitor guests as they touch the animals, and assist with further instruction if necessary.
  • If a feeding occurs during your shift, please inform guests that touching the animals will be suspended during the feeding.
  • Please do not touch the underside of the ray/shark or the tail.
  • Discourage any inappropriate activity (i.e - grab, poke, rub, restrain, manhandle)
  • Encourage every guest to wash their hands with soap and water per AZA guidelines, especially parents of young children who are likely to put their hands in their mouths
Guest management protocols 
  • Circulate around the tank to interact with the guests, and provide guidance and encouragement on proper interactions. Do not shout across the width of the tank.
  • If you feel that you need assistance with guest behavior, use the radio to call the Volunteer Supervisor for assistance on Channel 2 or Security on Channel 1
  • Discourage guests from excessive splashing
  • Discourage guests from putting beverage containers or food containers on the ledge of the tank, as they can fall in. 
  • Remind guests to hang on to their smartphone and cameras, as saltwater is lethal to electronics
  • Squeegee the edges of the tank so that our guests have a drier ledge to lean on
  • There are wet floor signs in the stairwell to use if the floor becomes wet. Radio maintenance to mop the floor if it gets wet to prevent slips and falls. They are on Channel 1 on the portable radio. 
Ray Pool Microphone Protocols
  • Beginning of Day:
    • Headset will be in box on counter by the radios.
    • Wipe down box with Halt disinfectant spray (wet towel with spray, then wipe down box).
    • Bring box down to the ray pool. You can keep box on floor in roped off area.
    • Sanitize foam mouthpiece and headband with alcohol pad before using (alcohol pads will be inside box).
  • Shift change/Rotation - When you are relieved or are relieving another volunteer at ray pool:
    • Sanitize mouthpiece and headband with a new alcohol pad before the next person uses it.
  • End of Day:
    • If you are the last person on shift, sanitize foam mouthpiece and headband before placing headset back in box.
    • Bring box to volunteer lounge.
    • Wipe down box with Halt disinfectant spray (wet towel with spray, then wipe down box).
    • Leave box on counter near the radios.
    • Let the volunteer supervisor know if the prep pads need to be restocked in the case.
  • Microphone Use:
    • Microphone component should always remain on the outside of your mask. Do not remove your mask to speak into the microphone.
    • Microphone should be used to engage guests about the animals in the touch pool, including explaining touching protocols and repeating/answering questions. 
    • Gallery Ambassadors can also use the microphone to provide reminders about the Aquarium's health and safety protocols, including how to properly wear a mask and social distance.

1 point
True or False: You should encourage guests to wash their hands after touching animals