Aquarium Exhibits & Quarantine Procedures

Below is a list of the Aquarium's current major exhibits

Shark and Ray Touch Pool (Gallery Ambassador Station)


Pinniped Cove /Harbor Seals (Gallery Ambassador Station)

Seafood Watch Café

Jiggle a Jelly/Marine Care and Culture Lab (Gallery Ambassador Station)

Sea Star Stage 

Sea and Discover Zone

Just Add Water 

Saltmarsh (Currently under renovation)

Rivers Gallery

LIS Gallery

Intertidal Touch Tank (Gallery Ambassador Station)

Open Ocean 

Seasons in the Sound 


Journey with Jellies 

Sea Turtles 

Pacific Reef

NOAA Weather Station/Climate Science

Before new species can be exhibited they must go through a quarantine process. This short video shows our quarantine area and procedures. 

1 point
Why is it important to quarantine new animals?

1 point
True or False: The Maritime Aquarium is a "closed system" meaning we make our own salt water (rather than pumping it in from Long Island Sound).